Thoughts on Losing Waldo? – #CCK11

I was explaining to someone today about the idea that was raise in our online conversation last week, that knowledge is something that can’t be unlearned.  As Stephen Downes explained, it’s similar to looking at a “Where’s Waldo” picture.  Once you know where he is, you always see him.  You can point to him in an instant […]

W2: Network Diagram Examples (#CCK11)

There was a great Screenr that was shared this week by David Fair, Articulate Customer Support Engineer on “How to embed presentations into #Articulate Presenter.”  I hadn’t yet heard of Qwiki so I began to try it out to see what results I could find. This week’s task in #CCK11 is to find examples of […]

Concept Map at the End of Week 1 – #CCK11

I’ve been working on a concept map of what I learn or gather in regards to my activity within the CCK11 (Connectivism and Connected Knowledge).  I’ve been using the PersonalBrain tool to gather together all blogs I read and the posts that I read within them, twitter feeds and the links I follow from them, daily […]

Talking with George Siemens and Stephen Downes – CCK11 (week 1)

NOTES FROM:First Facilitator Session – Review of Readings – “The Stephen and George Linkfest” From George’s first paper:Connected specialization – “Store my knowledge in my friends”.  I might not know how to do something, but I know who to call (connect to) that does have the answer. Does Connectivisim entirely change the notion of expertise? – […]

Learning to Understanding an “-Ism”

Understanding this “connectivism” stuff is a little more challenging than I was expecting, but the more I look into it, the more I read, the more I watch….the more I think I might be starting to comprehend. I started by reading the first few items that were listed on the CCK11 board and thought “man […]

The World Comes Out to Join in #CCK11

I was just reading through the introductions for this “go-round” of CCK11 and was excited to see the amazing minds that are being shared through this course.  The resumes of some of the participants are astounding.  (Feeling overwhelmed increasing drastically)  I was also excited to see the wide variety of locations that participants will be joining […]

Darn a wrote a huge post yesterday

I wrote a really long posting yestereday on my phone while I was commuting and now I’ve lost it.  I’m extremely upset, because it should have posted automatically.  Unfortunately, and I’m not sure why, I don’t remember much of what I wrote.  I know it was about the #CCK11 material that I read yesterday for […]

Participating in my first course that isn’t hosted on a platform #cck11

I looked at this course in previous years and even followed some of the discussions for a very brief time. However, now that I’m enrolled and am participating for me the timing couldn’t be better. I’m so intrigued with the whole idea of the delivery not being on anyone platform. That the concepts or topics […]

How do you read through it all and keep up with everything? #cck11

I was a little scared when I read that the first CCK had 2200 participants and the second 700.  If the course/theory about learning through your connections means I have to connect to that many people, how am I ever to manage. Even with my Twitter account I’m approaching if not over the 1000 mark […]